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John 16:33 I have told you these things so that you will be whole and at peace. In this world, you will be plagued with times of trouble, but you need not fear; I have triumphed over this corrupt world order. (The VOICE Translation)

This is a verse that I think of often – and quote often as well – because I think I/we need to be reminded of the truth of it frequently. Life is filled with hardships of one kind or another – multiple kinds – and they may come in waves of one or more types all at once. Yet, Jesus encourages us.

Part of the reason for thinking about this today, I think, is that during Lent people often invite hardships on purpose. For example, for people who fast during Lent, they are taking on a self-imposed hardship. Typically, this is done with the thought of taking on a hardship that Jesus Himself experienced since He fasted for 40 days and nights in the wilderness. During the 40 days of Lent, many people commemorate Jesus’ sacrifice on our behalf.

Yesterday was day 20 of Lent, so we are now in the second half of the Lenten Season. For those who have willingly taken on some form of the hardship of self-sacrifice such as fasting, this knowledge may cause them to focus on the days remaining rather than on the intended focal point of Jesus and His sufferings on our behalf because as human beings in this fallen world we are prone to be tripped up on the smallest of distractions from our intended targets, even when it is something as simple as keeping track of the time remaining to keep our focus.

Yet, even this very fact calls us back to the One who is calling us to Himself with all of His love.

Jesus, Lamb of God, I have no true frame of reference to conceive of and comprehend the suffering You willingly accepted for my sake. I have seen the horror of crucifixion portrayed in plays and movies, but I know that even the most graphic depictions and special effects displays cannot fully express the truth of Your extreme suffering… for me. That realization overcomes me. I feel undone. Nothing is more humbling for me. This is the place I need to be – this place of gratitude – for without Your sacrifice, I cannot bear to think of what my life would be. For me, this is why I need the Season of Lent – to make sure I am brought back to this place, this realization, this thankfulness that I fell into Your arms of grace. With thanks, I pray, Amen.

Romans 8:18 Now I’m sure of this: the sufferings we endure now are not even worth comparing to the glory that is coming and will be revealed in us. (The VOICE Translation)